Amateur radio Codes
There are multiple sets of special codes used in amateur radio. You can find these codes in the tables below.
Q code
Q codeThe Q codes have three letters each and all represent an entire sentence. The Q codes can be useful for faster communication.

92 code
92 codeThe 92 code or Wester Union codes is a series of numbers, each with its own meaning.

RST code
RST codeThe RST code is used to describe the readability, strength and tone of a signal. The code consists of three digits, the first one represents the readability, the second one represents the strength and the last one the tone.
number | readability (R) | strength (S) | tone (T) |
1 | Unreadable | Faint sginal, barely percentible | Sixty cycle a.c. or less, very rough and broad |
2 | Barely readable | Very weak | Very rough a.c., very harsh and broad |
3 | Readable with considerable difficulty | Weak | Rough a.c. tone, rectified but not filtered |
4 | Readable with practically no difficulty | Fair | Rough note, some trace of filtering frequency |
5 | Perfectly readable | Fairly good | Filtered rectified a.c. but strongly ripple-modulated |
6 | not used | Good | Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation |
7 | not used | Moderately string | Near pure tone, trace of ripple modulation |
8 | not used | Strong | Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation |
9 | not used | Very strong signals | Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation |
CW abbreviations
CW abbreviationsThe CW abbreviations are used to shorten a message. There are many abbreviations for many different messages, many of these are rarely used. Most operators do not use these abbreviations as they can be difficult to understand.

NATO phonetic alphabet
NATO phonetic alphabetThe NATO phonetic alphabet describes the pronunciation of the number one to nine and all letters in the English alphabet.
letter | code-word | pronunciation |
A | Alpha | AL FAH |
B | Bravo | BRA VOH |
C | Charlie | CHAR LEE |
D | Delta | DELL TAH |
E | Echo | ECK OH |
F | Foxtrot | FOKS TROT |
G | Golf | GAHLF |
H | Hotel | HO TELL |
I | India | IN DEE AH |
J | Juliet | JEW LEE ETT |
K | Kilo | KEY LOH |
L | Lima | LEE MAH |
M | Mike | MIKE |
N | November | NO VEM BER |
O | Oscar | OSS CAH |
P | Papa | PAH PAH |
Q | Quebec | KEH BECK |
R | Romeo | ROW ME OH |
S | Sierra | SEE AIR RAH |
T | Tango | TANG GO |
U | Uniform | YOU NEE FORM |
V | Victor | VIK TAH |
W | Whiskey | WISS KEY |
X | X-ray | ECKS RAY |
Y | Yankee | YANG KEY |
Z | Zulu | ZOO LOO |
number | code-word | pronunciation |
0 | Zero | ZE RO |
1 | One | WUN |
2 | Two | TOO |
3 | Three | TREE |
4 | Four | FOW ER |
5 | Five | FIFE |
6 | Six | SIX |
7 | Seven | SEV EN |
8 | Eight | AIT |
9 | Nine | NIN ER |
Morse code
Morse codeThe morse code is used to encode text in a series of dots and dashes. Each character has its unique sequence, which can be sent over a radio signal.
character | code | character | code |
A | ._ | 1 | . _ _ _ _ |
B | _... | 2 | .._ _ _ |
C | _._. | 3 | ..._ _ |
D | _.. | 4 | ...._ |
E | . | 5 | ..... |
F | .._. | 6 | _.... |
G | _ _. | 7 | _ _... |
H | .... | 8 | _ _ _.. |
I | .. | 9 | _ _ _ _. |
J | ._ _ _ | . | ._._._ |
K | _._ | , | _ _.._ _ |
L | ._.. | ? | .._ _.. |
M | _ _ | " | ._ _ _ _. |
N | _. | ! | _._._ _ |
O | _ _ _ | / | _.._. |
P | ._ _ . | ( | _._ _. |
Q | _ _._ | ) | _._ _._ |
R | ._. | ._... | |
S | ... | : | _ _ _... |
T | _ | ; | _._._. |
U | .._ | = | _..._ |
V | ..._ | + | ._._. |
W | ._ _ | - | _...._ |
X | _.._ | _ | .._ _._ |
Y | _._ _ | " | ._.._. |
Z | _ _.. | $ | ..._.._ |
0 | _ _ _ _ _ | ._ _._. |