Resistance to color code converter

It can be helpful to know the color of the bands of a resistor when you only have the resistance. You can use to converter below or you can use the table to do it yourself. First, you have to determine the number of bands you need. Most resistors have four. Then you convert the significant digits to colors and then you convert the multiplication to a color band and, lastly, you pick the tolerance and TCR if applicable.


Resistance (ohms):

color digit multiplication tolerance
black 0 1 -
brown 1 10 1%
red 2 100 2%
orange 3 1000 3%
yellow 4 10,000 4%
green 5 100,000 0.5%
blue 6 1,000,000 0.25%
violet 7 10,000,000 0.1%
grey 8 100,000,000 0.05%
white 9 1,000,000,000 -
gold - 0.1 5%
silver - 0.01 10%